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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

K” is for Knowledge and Kelp

Ever heard the saying Knowledge is power? Well, when it comes to cancer, knowing more than less is key to prevention. Knowing before you stuff something into your body that it is bad for you is a start. It gets confusing but I’m convinced that our diet is a major element when cancer comes knocking. You need to know how to keep that door firmly closed!

Getting more information on cancer is as easy as going to the Canadian Cancer Society’s website at :  www.cancer.ca  Check out the Canadian Cancer dictionary at:  info.cancer.ca/cce-ecc
You can always Google everything, but you don’t always get the most accurate or up-to-date information. Make sure the site you’re learning from is a reputable one.

My bible during breast cancer was Breast Cancer : All You Need To Know by DR.s Olivotto, Gelmon and Kuusk. I also loved the Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips by Kris Carr. Check it out at www.crazysexycancer.com

Dr. Robert A. Pendergrast Jr.’s self-help book for women, “Breast Cancer – Reduce Your Risk with Foods You Love,” is another good one. 

David Wolfe’s SuperFoods about diet and medicines of the future changed my world of cooking and eating. It's where I first heard about butter and other animal fats being substituted by coconut oil. Resembling lard, coconut oil starts my stir frys, is the butter in my baking and it makes a super, worry-free grilled cheese sandwich!

 You can also head to the book store and its Health section. You will be floored at what’s available for you to arm yourself against cancer. All the Cancer Societies have libraries you can borrow from as well.

So, get out there and get educated everyone, before you have to bypass the prevention section and go to the What To Do When…section.


I call it the “lettuce of the sea.” Yes, it’s seaweed but it is packed with more vitamins and minerals than most the things we imbibe, making it another SuperFood. I could list it’s attributes for pages, but so not to bore you, will stick to the biggest one:

Phytochemicals. A recent buzz word in the world of cancer because phytos absorb and eliminate radioactive elements and heavy metal contaminations from our bodies, while kelp also gives us plenty of healthy minerals.

Use it as a seasoning substitute for salt. Put some in your soups and stews . Eat it plain or buy it in a powdered concentrate. I use a “Greens Concentrate” available at some drug stores  and most Health Food Stores. I mix a teaspoon in with a half cup of cold almond milk and throw it back.

Being from New Brunswick, I admit I like the sea smell. It reminds me  of home, which is always calming- and that in itself is a cancer prevention factor!

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