To my defense, I have spent since August 2010 worrying about myself and what I was doing to encourage cancer growth through what I was putting into my body.
Over the next year, I would cut out the toxins: buying cleaners and beauty products with only natural ingredients. I changed my diet to include double the fruit and vegetables and replaced the bread,white flour, pasta and rice with brown rice products. I drink herbal and decaf green tea and drink lemon water.
I have cut the drinking down to absolute minimal with less than two drinks a week being the norm. The weight simply came off on its own with a little help from daily exercise.
I have been such a nauseatingly GOOD girl. What cancer could possibly run away with my life?
I am also on pills for five years that help prevent an occurrence. Now what are my chances of getting cancer at this very moment? I am thinking in the negatives.
SO... I gave myself a Christmas present. I let myself go absolutely sugar-insane over the holidays, starting in mid November. I ate licorice (two bags full in one sitting). I ate all the home baked almond roca, made another batch, then proceeded to eat it all once on table trays. There was cheese fondue with cheese buns, coconut balls and chocolate truffles. Date squares, apple crisp, turkey gravy, mashed potatoes, Ollie Balls, ice cream, egg nog and whipped cream.And you know that was only the half of it. How about three blueberry teas in one night (and a following hang-over that wanted gooey fries and a donut for lunch)
For once in my life it was a no holds barred pig-out. Potato chips, chezzies, pistachio and macadamia nuts covered in chocolate and straight up. BBQ sauce, sweet and sour sauce, butter sauce. I ate BUTTER! I haven't touched that stuff in years. And BACON. although I had to cross myself first just in case it took me down on the spot. Surprisingly, I survived and lived to eat the other five strips in the pan.
The result was a yet another person looking back at me from the mirror. Someone I remembered from years past. Someone that had worked very hard for three years to get down to the 143 I was most happy at.
The funny thing is I am happy. Happy I did that for myself, knowing full well I would stop it on January 1, as I did. That I would rise to this occasion as I always have with simply another goal to obtain. Getting back to feeling comfortable no matter what I wear.
And now it's reckoning time. The muzzle has been slipped over my mouth. The sugared treats and any lingering shred of Christmas treat indecency has been donated, eaten, tossed or re-gifted.
Monday saw me at Aqua Fitness with the Seniors crew before a forty minute leisurely jog. Tuesday was a 6 a:m session at the gym followed by another slow jog for 20 minutes. Wednesday was Aqua aerobics followed by 15 minutes of extra laps.
Getting the picture?
Breakfast is ALWAYS oatmeal with plain, no-fat yogurt, berries and grapes, almond milk and seeds. A snack at ten is an apple, lunch is no fat, low cal and hearty vegi and brown rice wise. Three o'clock snack is usually a spoonful of pnut butter on a rye cracker. Dinner is either brown rice pasta, rice or flour with more vegi's- sometimes four or five. Chicken, fish or moose. And the best part of the day- dessert with more plain yogurt, seeds and berries. Or my chocolate macaroon recipe from my book Running From Cancer with the above poured over top to make a sundae.
And you have read my plan for taking this ring around my waist off the sooner the better.I'm betting one month, but thinking probably two. Those last five are the hardest to lose.Here goes nothing.
Keep posted weekly for the next Monday photo and weigh-in.
Need any help with YOUR waist line? Contact me. I have a son who has made it his business to get you into the best shape of your life. Guaranteed! Or, you can do what I'm doing and just DO it.