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Friday, June 14, 2013

Off and Running To the Lake

We're off and running to Francois Lake for a birthday/ Father's Day weekend for Barry. Packed with coolers of seafood for a fave chowder, we're adorned in shorts and t-s in hopes that blue sky holds.
It's the Premier Boat Launch and fresh trout time. If we can just remember to put the plug in the boat and to unhook  before launch we'll be laughing. Then to get all the beds in the cabin made up with tendinitis in the left wrist and a sore post-surgery right-side. Ahhh, but we have all weekend for that. And maybe I won't bother doing the floors this week. One step at a time and that goes for cleaning. Leaving my editing behind. Break time.There's a lawn chair and I have a great book to read. Heck, I think it might even be ice-cream cone time. Gonna juice-it-up! These are the days we live for.
Have a fine weekend wherever you are!

And a Happy Father's Day to my Dad, my number one hero. Thinking of you!! xoxo