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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

New Web Site Changes

A large thanks goes out to my guru web site master programmer  Bill MyersRetED DSD WTD, who has patiently sorted through the change of mind, typo riddled, lah-lah land suggestions for up-grading the website at www.debilynsmith.com

I found  the Alphabetical Cancer Prevention tips everyone commented on were getting buried beneath the other blogs, never to be found any other way except by date. Hmmm. When did that tip on what kind of water is best to drink appear? What year was that even? See?

So Mr. Bill has given us another area to click on to get right to where we want to go. W is for water, L is for lemons, t for toxins. It's up and ready to try. I have a few changes to make to up-grade some of the blogs- I hope to get to that soon.

On the book front, the cover details have been handed over by the designer and are now mine to copyright.

Today I received a very generous and helpful discount from my local bookstore, Countrywide Printing in Houston on two easels to take with me for my Relay for cancer  Fight Back speeches. The one easel will hold Homer- my mother's stuffed bear that helped my sister Kim and I through her passing. Homer was at my side for the cancer ride and will remain beside me as long as I need his help. The easel will also display the "Hope" sign a twelve year old girl from Burns Lake painted and donated to the Terry Fox run and annual fund-raising auction. I told her when my book was published, her painting would travel with me to help spread the news that yes, there is hope. You can quit running from cancer and stand up and fight back. Now would be a good time to start. Before you get cancer.

A second easel with a roll of paper so I can write down the key points of my talk. This will eliminate the paper I usually hold in front of my face. The one I drop, or that will blur in and out of focus in my stage fright phase.
The pink cammo pants, and black army boots from e-bay are on their way and once here, I go for a hair cut and professional pictures for the posters. I want to keep my hair short for  when I face others going through  what I did. I used to hyper focus on women's hair, not able to get over how beautiful it looked on them. I don't want that to happen to someone I am trying to get through to. I want them to hear the encouragement, the hope, the strength that I will try to pass on.
Because I believe cancer CAN be beaten.
And I believe the rising number of cancer deaths can be slowed down or reversed if people learned to take a harder look at what it takes to win this war. Never forget that you have to kill cancer before it kills you. It's never too early to start fighting.