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Thursday, April 25, 2013

It's coming...it's COMING !!!!!!!

The matte printed version of Running From Cancer will be in my hands May 10th in Prince George, just in time for the Relay for Cancer I will be attending there.
It should be available in Kindle e-version by morning. E-pub has to wait 90 days I'm afraid. Sorry e-pubers!!! It's amazon.com's exclusivity clause. 
A glossy pocketbook version will be available to order from amazon.com by Monday hopefully! It's coming...it's coming!!

REAL IMPORTANT: If you get a copy PLEASE take the time to leave a "review." I need 35 reviews before I can hit a certain marketing level for the next stage. Whatever that is?

If it does well here, we can take it across Canada! Oh JOY!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Trout or Tuna Stuffed Tomato Recipe

It's warming up outdoors! Time for some new salad recipes or side vegetables to pump up those anti-oxidants.

Check out the latest called Trout or Tuna  Stuffed Tomatoes at www.debilynsmith.com under the Healthier-Option recipes.

Do you have a super healthy recipe you want to share? Send it to me at contact@debilynsmith.com.

If I LOVE it and it's simple enough to try, you might find it on my next recipe blog.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Counting The Days

My nights have become rodeos as I flip wildly back and forth, mumbling about stage fright and book prices in Australia and worrying will my book, Running From Cancer, make it here in time for the first cancer relay? 
My husband tried pinning me with his thigh, but the resulting carpet burn on his forehead got too many laughs the next day.A lasso wasn't any help.  He was eyeing up the staple gun last I saw him. Could be another book to be written? Running From Insomnia.

Toss, turn. Turn, toss.My thoughts are on steroids blasting in every direction...did I order enough business cards, will the brown bags hold up if someone buys three books instead of one. What should I say to complete strangers before I sign their book? Will anyone want their book signed?

I have received the finalized manuscript gallies and now am told I have to WAIT a week before Lightening Source approves the application for publication. I had ASKED if there was something I could do to speed the process up. "We've got overwhelmed by applications lately," the salesman said.  I could have reached through the phone and choked him had the ear piece in my hand been bigger. A pressure cooker?
 I also have to wait for the head of the northern relays to assess my speech material I e-mailed last week to see if she will endorse my appearance at other relays. I hold my breath for that as well. Once I get the okay, I can send out flyer posters- oh wait, the local printer ran out of black ink which will arrive soon and then I can get the posters...
I am at the mercy of a process I don't even understand. One of my three Genie wishes would be for patience. The other two would involve an anti-aging solution so I would feel like I HAD time to wait for everything!
Remember, there are three more books to go...

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

People are asking about when the book Running From Cancer is due to arrive.

The manuscript is in the  hands of a company in California for final edit, interior design and typesetting. The company will also be turning it into other formats like epub and kindle for e-book sales. Once the material returns, I still have to go over it one more time before sending it back for uploading to the two different publishing houses. LighteningSpace for the print and Amazon.com for the e-books.
LighteningSpace will see the book into all the major chains in the U.S. and into Canada. Whether or not the book is ordered by your independent local bookstore will be up to the buzz we can create about it. That's why I will be calling on everyone for favours like visiting my blog site as often as possible and clicking on different blogs to view (you can click up to nine times in a row. I need to get the number over 10,000. It's at 8,000 now. So close.)

When the book is out, hopefully by May 15, 2013 writing your review of it on the Amazon website is crucial for its future. Once I have 35 reviews, I can get it into a more mainstream outlet to take it to the next level.

My job is to stand on stages and in front of rooms full of people to deliver my Fight Back speal. The old quit Running From Cancer and stand up to it. Give it the kick in the pants it deserves. Stop  those rising numbers of 200,000 people a year hearing that they have joined this crappy club.
It's time to get tough with yourself NOW, not after you learn you have cancer. Get educated. You need to arm  your immune system with the weapons to withstand the onslaught when it happens. You need to drink more water than wine, get oxygenated through daily exercise and eat 10 fruits and vegetables a day. Less red meat, more nuts and beans. There are more tips in the book.

A lot of what I repeat is from research compiled over the past two years. Most of it is common sense, but some times common sense isn't so common.

So look for me coming to a community near you soon. In May and June I will be covering northern B.C. at the Relay for Cancer runs. The Terry Fox Run in September and the CIBC Run For The Cure in October. Where, I have yet to find out but I will post a schedule once I get one finalized.

Until then, thanks for hanging in there with me. Patience never was a big factor in my life.